Friday, April 11, 2014

Something about social media alphause

About SmartBlogs| About SmartBrief| Contact Us Home Finance Leadership Food and Beverage Social Media Education Ideas in Action 5 surprising stats about user-generated content By Anna Kassowayon April 11th, 2014 | Comment on this post We know two things about millennials: They will soon have record-breaking purchasing power, and they spend tons of time with content created by their peers, otherwise known as UGC (user-generated content). What we didn’t know was how much time they spend with UGC and how they feel about it. That is, until now. In January, Ipsos MediaCT, Crowdtap and the Social Media Advertising Consortium partnered to survey 839 millennial (18 to 36 years old) men and women. The studyexplored millennials’ media consumption habits, how they perceive information from various sources and how these same media sources impact purchasing decisions. Here are 5 key data points that might surprise you: 1) They spend mind-blowing amounts of time with media.In aggregate, millennials spend roughly 18 hours (not mutually exclusive) with different types of media per day. This often includes viewing multiple devices at once. If this surprises you, you’re not alone, but their media adds up when they’re simultaneously checking their phones, letting their computer screen glow, listening to radio and glancing up at the TV. (read more…) Tags: Anna Kassoway, Crowdtap, Facebook, millenials, social media, user generated content Comment on this post Permalink Andy's Answers Andy’s Answers: How AT&T gets their employees involved in sharing social content By Andy Sernovitzon April 10th, 2014 | 1 comment on this post If you’re like 92 percent of people on Twitter, you don’t follow the handles of the places where your friends and family work. It’s a statistic that meant a lot to AT&T’s Senior Manager of Emerging Communications, Lee Diaz. That’s why they rolled out their internal content hub, the Social Circle, for employees to begin sharing more from AT&T in their social networks. In his presentation at‘s BlogWellconference in Dallas, Lee explains why they encouraged over 80,000 employees to become advocates in social media. Here are three key takeaways: *.Your employees are already social.Lee says to earn buy-in from some leadership to getting employees involved, they had to help management see how much their employees already did in social media. *.Disclosure is key.One of the main components of AT&T’s social advocate program was a simple hashtag, #ATTemployee. This let their employees share content from AT&T while being transparent and staying legal. (read more…) Tags: andy sernovitz, AT&T, Blogwell, employees, lee diaz, twitter 1 comment on this post Permalink Future of Engagement 4 ways to add personality to social communication By James Schereron April 8th, 2014 | Comment on this post Welcome to Part 3 of my three-part series on adding personality to your online marketing strategy. Let’s do a quick recap: *. Part 1introduced the idea of adding personality to marketing and hopefully convinced you it was worth trying. It also went startlingly viral and scared me a little bit. *. Part 2gave you concrete tips to adding personality to your content marketing strategy as well as introduced the concept of “head and shoulders” content — a term I trademarked. Part 3 will dive into the world of social media, giving you four strategies to incorporate your own brand persona and your brand’s targeted individual into your social media communications. Introducing personality in social media The phrase “putting the social in social media” is one of the most tired in the world of online marketing, so I won’t use it. That said, with the rise of social media optimization(optimizing your website, social profiles and content for social media), putting personality into social media is actually increasing in importance every day. (read more…) Tags: brand persona, customer feedback, Facebook, instagram, James Scherer, user generated content Comment on this post Permalink Ideas in Action Bet you aren’t doing this on Pinterest By Anna Croweon April 3rd, 2014 | Comment on this post Pinterest has evolved from a community of brides-to-be into a genuine means of visual communication that connects the brand to the consumer. With new features being rolled out over the past year, Pinterest is looking to help marketers gain better insights and give brands the opportunity to dig deeper into their connection with their community. Brands such as Whole Foods, Lowe’s, and Sephora are just a few that are able to bring their stories to life and connect with their Pinterest community. One way these brands are able to do this is by inspiring and educating their following. So today we’re looking at some best practices aimed at helping marketers showcase their brands on Pinterest. Prep for promoted pins These paid ads are currently only available to a small set of brands. However, if you’re an e-commerce site, start allocating a budget for promoted pins. It would be best to use these during key holiday and promotional periods. (read more…) Tags: Anna Crowe, community, e-commerce, lowe's, marketing, pinterest, Sephora, whole foods Comment on this post Permalink Future of Engagement Is real-time marketing relevant in an on-demand world? By Jonathan Farbon April 2nd, 2014 | Comment on this post Though the Internet allowed us to consume information at the speed of light before Twitter, it wasn’t until the service launched that a societal obsession with the concept of real-time was born: our 24-hour news cycle is validated by every new tweet on our timelines. For certain industries (think journalism, music, celebrity culture), this has changed the way we process and expect information, and other social networks, such as Facebook, have been doing everything they can to catch up. We’re not here to invalidate the importance of real-time, but rather to argue that from a marketer’s perspective, focusing on real-time alone isn’t productive when measuring the efficacy of your efforts. Of the millions of big-budget marketing events that happen each year, you can count the ones that are relevant in real-time only on your fingers (and they’re mostly related to sports and celebrity events: the Super Bowl, Academy Awards, Grammy’s, etc.). (read more…) Tags: Facebook, Jonathan Farb, on-demand, real-time marketing, twitter Comment on this post Permalink « Older Posts Click here for a sample of SmartBrief on Social Media » Twitter Facebook Linkedin RSS Browse By Topic Andy's Answers Emerging Technologies Events Ideas in Action Microblogging Polls Social Media 101 Social Networks Word of Mouth Popular Posts Why marketing needs to get personalby James Scherer Social business is more than businesses using social mediaby Michelle Killebrew 7 digital-marketing predictions for the rest of 2014by Jonathan Farb Insta-gap: Why Instagram isn’t yet ripe for businessesby Ezra Chasser 3 strategies for putting personality into contentby James Scherer @SBoSM on Twitter Executives at Google, Facebook plead ignorance regarding U.S. government's PRISM program 26 mins ago Networks cater to the selectively social 3 hours ago YouTube masterminds creating Vine-like app for Chinese market 4 hours ago Social Media Blogs We Like Brains On FireBlog written by the consultants at Brains on Fire who specialize in word-of-mouth marketing and online identity Conversation AgentIntegrating marketing and social media insights from brand strategist Valeria Maltoni. 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You Can be a Word of Mouth Marketing SupergeniusPractical, how-to advice and case studies about how to use social media and word of mouth marketing from GasPedal. Archives April 2014 March 2014 February 2014 More Archives… Who We Are Andy Sernovitz Editor at Large Jesse Stanchak Editor Jeremy Victor SmartBlogs Contributor Meet the rest of the team » SmartBrief Advisory Board Home| About| Advertise| Careers| Industries| Partner with Us| RSSContent is under Copyright © to SmartBrief, SmartBlogs - 2013.

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